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How Much Do Workers Compensation Lawyers Charge?

Injuries at work are very common, and every day thousands of individuals file for workers compensation. But the thing that most people are interested in is how expensive it is to hire a workers compensation attorney? Does it even pay off to hire one, and does hiring an attorney really help your case? The answers to these questions can be found in the paragraphs below.

Why hire a workers compensation attorney?

To start with, you need to understand the importance of having a workers compensation attorney watching your back. Once you hire an attorney, he/she will ensure that your case is on the right track. They will submit all the necessary documents and negotiate the deal for you. In fact, it is in their best interest to settle the highest deal possible, so by earning you more money, they earn more in the process. Also, a skilled workers compensation attorney will help you avoid getting your claim denied or delayed. And in case it does get denied or delayed, they will utilize their knowledge and resources to help bring your workers compensation claim back on track. In most cases, injured individuals with a legal representative have higher chances of securing their financial benefits. Those without a legal representative may never receive their legally owed financial benefits.

Different work comp lawyers charge differently

There are different types of workers compensation lawyers, and it is only normal that they charge based on a different rate. Also, different lawyers work on a different basis; for instance, we have work comp lawyers who work on contingency, then we have those who work on an hourly rate, and finally, those who charge a percentage up front. It is important that you understand the cost of hiring any of these attorneys.

Work comp attorneys that work on contingency

The biggest problem when hiring an attorney who works on contingency is that if you receive your financial benefits too quickly, you may think that the attorney didn’t deserve his paycheck. Other than that, you are not obliged to submit any down payments, and if your case is lost, you won’t be charged anything. The attorneys will cover for all the additional fees in the meantime, and you won’t have to pay a single dollar until the case is solved in your favor.

You can also try and negotiate the arrangement with the attorney, offering him less percentage if the case is closed rapidly, or more percentage if the process complicates and the initial claim was denied or delayed.

Hiring an attorney on an hourly rate

Most of the attorneys in the field of workers compensation work on contingency. This is to help the injured individuals, since they will need money until their financial benefits are approved. Hiring an attorney that operates on an hourly fee will require you to submit a retainer, an advance payment. In addition, you will have to submit monthly payments and legal bills, and will be billed for legal fees. Before you hire an attorney on an hourly rate, make sure that you have a realistic assessment of how much the attorney is going to cost you.